Rolling his R’s

So finally got to meet Rads who was on a flying (literally) visit to Bangalore. It is indeed true that a persons writing says a lot about that person. Rads is every bit as her blog is..bubbly, cheerful.

She then wrote about her visit and mentioned in passing that she was “accused” of rolling her “R’s”. That triggered a memory…

SP was a family friend. He had returned from the USA and was teaching at one of the premier institutes in Bangalore. He was a big man with a quiet baritone voice and a drawl that came out of living in the USA for a long time.

So once mum’s college invites SP to speak at a student seminar.

Mum comes back home after the seminar and walks into the living room where dad and I are watching TV and reading (only one channel at that time).

“So how was SP’s talk today?” I ask …without looking up.

“Well…it was nice” mom says ..”but he rolls his R’s”.

“Rolls his Arse?”..I ask..both dad and I are imagining SP on the podium, the big man, undulating his behind while talking…that made this more interesting than watching Doordarshan.

“Thats pretty strange” says dad in all earnestness.. “SP is a serious type of fellow..maybe he does it because he wants to hold the audience’s attention”

“Ya ya maybe” mom says..”but its quite pronounced”

Now it gets even more and I are imagining SP doing a Helen on stage…

“Didnt anyone ask him to stop shaking his behind?” asked dad.

“What do you mean?” asks mom realizing that somethings amiss..

“Well.. he just can’t shake his arse in public can he?”

“Noooo Noooo… he rolls his R’s as in the letter R not his Arse”

“Aaaah…” we said…losing interest in the story and going back to watching Doordarshan on TV.

“Perverts…” mom says…

29 thoughts on “Rolling his R’s

  1. Vijay: This scenario (father and son commenting on mom) sounds very very suspiciously of your house too 😉 from all that you have written about poor NikhilMom! Looks like it comes down generations 🙂

  2. Vijay,

    Super sir.. cudn’t stop laughing at all:)) pakkad work station avru ella nodtha idru… then had to control… especially last alli barideera alva,, lost interest and went back to TV antha… too good…

  3. “both dad and I are imagining SP on the podium, the big man, undulating his behind while talking…that made this more interesting than watching Doordarshan.”

    preparation h – that will solve that problem! 😉

    – s.b. *needs to run away before rads raises her rolling pin*

  4. americans have rolled the “r”s right off the british ‘arse’ – only ass is left now! 😉

    – s.b. *i’m on a roll now*

  5. wow!!!super wht MY3 says is very true looking the way VN does it is in their genes for generations. what a way it was understood R making so comples Rs
    enoyed thorughly enjoyed thanks for such hilarious one vijya

  6. I just cant stop imagining my favorite professor from engineering taking his lectures rolling his arse. Nobody would ever bunk that lecture!

    @Some Body – that was a good one…somebody’s on a roll!


    i salute you for having captured the quintessence of a blog. 😉 [for the others who have no clue what i mean, check out his blog!]

    – s.b.

  8. OK Vijay. Back to work. No more horses or donkeys. It is the long weekend for us and we want something to read and comment upon 😉

    Best wishes to little Nikhil as you are busy scouting for schools.

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